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installation | Kathrine Worel

Category: installation

Tell Me Everything

Posted on August 7th, by admin in installation, interactive, relational. Comments Off on Tell Me Everything
















Tell Me Everything is a platform for interaction, a split confessional (this view placed on separate floors of PAI) allows guests to interact either as penitent or confessor. A one-way live audio feed allows confessors to listen to the penitents secrets. While this scenario might offer the consolation of anonymity there is also the opportunity for paranoia or at least awkwardness. Who heard your confession? Whose secrets are you now privy to? Tell Me Everything is a sort of social “getting to know you” game that sets in motion scenarios that both mock and celebrate contemporary notions of intimacy and the act of contrition.

All images from installation at the Performance Art Institute of San Francisco as part of the show Micromanagement curated by Sean Fletcher & Isabel Reichert.

Drawing Down

Posted on July 21st, by admin in drawing, installation, sculpture. Comments Off on Drawing Down

Drawing Down, recycled motor oil, vitrine, linen and natural light. Dimensions variable, shown here at Spare Change Artist Space 2013

To draw down is to deplete by using or spending, here the act is alluded to as the linen slowly absorbs the oil, darkens and obscures the light and view from the window.



Posted on July 19th, by admin in installation, interactive, relational, sculpture, social practice. Comments Off on Colony

There are more microbes in a teaspoon of soil than there are people on the earth. – James J. Hoorman & Rafiq Islam, OSU Extension

Colony is an ongoing, iterative social work and sculpture wherein soil acts as proxy for the artistic body. Guests are encouraged to take “seed” soil from the installation and colonize their land with microorganisms from mine. Pre-addressed and stamped postcards are provided to track the soil diaspora. Significant gestures & objects are appropriated and repurposed in effect “colonizing” art history, religious ritual and universal gifting customs.

Colony 2019, valise, soil, self portrait, post-cards, compostable bags and wood.

Colony, at The Garage in San Francisco, CA 2006