Triptych Trinity
Triptych | Trinity a performance by proxy for the CrossCut Humane Slaughter Acts Performance Festival held at the Slaughter House Space in Healdsburg CA.
For this work the performance are is staged with a vintage school desk atop which rests a cassette player. Each of the three performers take turns picking up the player, moving front and center and playing a recorded true* story from my time at Catholic school.
The following is a short excerpt from Story 1–The Library: It’s weird how clearly I remember walking into the library that day, and not just cause of what happened, I think I’d remember that day even if all we did was read. That’s cause it was fall, right in-between coming back to school after summer and before going on Christmas holidays and when we opened the big wooden doors into the library it was like opening a box of gold. The afternoon light was coming in the tall windows at the back of the room, and it was like, super bright, clear yellow light that only happens at that certain time of day at that time of year and after the dimness of the hallway it was just like walking into a room full of shiny treasure.
*All names were changed and events filtered through memory and hindsight