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slaughterhouse space | Kathrine Worel

Tag: slaughterhouse space

Triptych Trinity

Posted on January 20th, by admin in interactive, relational. Comments Off on Triptych Trinity

















Triptych | Trinity  a performance by proxy for the CrossCut Humane Slaughter Acts Performance Festival held at the Slaughter House Space in Healdsburg CA.

For this work the performance are is staged with a vintage school desk atop which rests a cassette player. Each of the three performers take turns picking up the player, moving front and center and playing a recorded true* story from my  time at Catholic school.










The following is a short excerpt from Story 1–The Library:  It’s weird how clearly I remember walking into the library that day, and not just cause of what happened, I think I’d remember that day even if all we did was read. That’s cause it was fall, right in-between coming back to school after summer and before going on Christmas holidays and when we opened the big wooden doors into the library it … Read More »